
School Self-guided Visits Curriculum Links

Visit Orleans House Gallery with your class and explore our exhibitions and site in your own time with our Self-Guided Visits designed by artist Abigail Hunt. There are three different trails available:

1. Looking Differently (Suitable for Key Stage 1)

This tour includes practical and discussion-based activities to encourage exploring Orleans House Gallery both inside and outside. Students will engage with all their senses to place themselves within the different spaces, looking differently and thinking about how artworks make them feel or think.

Learning Objectives and Key Concepts

In this tour, students will:

• Develop ideas for their own artworks, being inspired by the things they see and recording their observations to use later
• Build confidence in looking at and talking about artworks and sharing their ideas with others, whilst listening to the opinions of others
• Make observational drawings using basic materials
• Use their experiences to develop thinking and ideas for their own art making

Curriculum Links

In this tour students will make direct links to the Art and Design National Curriculum through:

• Exploring their ideas whilst recording their observations and experiences
• Evaluating and analysing the creative works of other artists using the language of art and make links to their own artwork
• Experimenting with drawing techniques

2. Change and Contrast (Suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3)

Look closely at Orleans House Gallery with your students and consider its histories, its future, and its present. Students will use this visit to reflect on how they are connected to the gallery and find inspiration in the building and the natural environment surrounding it.

Learning Objectives and Key Concepts

In this tour, students will:

• Develop ideas for their own artworks, being inspired by the things they see and recording their observations to use later
• Reflect on the past and make historical links, making them relevant to themselves today and using them to expand their own ideas
• Build confidence in looking at and talking about artworks and sharing their ideas with others, whilst listening to the opinions of others
• Make observational drawings using basic materials
• Use their experiences to develop thinking and ideas for their own art making

Curriculum Links

In this tour students will make direct links to the Art and Design National Curriculum through:

• Exploring their ideas whilst recording their observations and experiences
• Evaluating and analysing the creative works of other artists using the language of art and make links to their own artwork
• Experimenting with drawing techniques

The tour also makes links to curriculum skills in History, Geography, Literacy and RSE

3. Place, Space and Materiality (suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3)

Looking at the different spaces within Orleans House Gallery this tour encourages students to think about placing themselves as unique individuals within this fascinating location. Ideas for practical and discussion-based activities will encourage your students to take notice of the details within the
architecture and the outside spaces as well as exploring the exhibitions.

Learning Objectives and Key Concepts

In this tour, students will:

• Develop ideas for their own artworks by taking time to look and think differently, exploring the details around them and recording their observations
• Build confidence in looking at and talking about artworks and sharing their ideas with others
• Listen to others and build skills in understanding and considering options and thoughts different to their own
• Experiment with mark making and observational drawing using basic materials
• Reflect on their own experiences and use them to develop thinking and ideas for their own future art making

Curriculum Links

Students will make direct links to the Art and Design National Curriculum through:

• Exploring their ideas whilst recording their observations and experiences
• Evaluating and analysing the creative works of other artists using the language of art and make links to their own artwork
• Experimenting with drawing techniques

The tour also makes links to curriculum skills in Literacy and RSE.

Book here

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