Monday 4 September 2023
Early Years Sessions Return this Autumn!
Get your under 5s ready for creative play, songs, and making – our fortnightly Early Years sessions, Curious Tots and Play:Make:Art, return for the Autumn term!

Curious Tots
Songwriter and Early Years Facilitator, Finn Chatwyn-Ros, invites the very littlest ones and their adults to join Curious Tots. These sessions are a lovely, sensory musical experience for babies from birth to pre-walking toddlers, taking place every other Tuesday. Expect puppets, free instrument exploration, and creative games while singing about the seasons, the weather, and the colours and patterns found in nature. Each theme will lead towards an original song created by Finn with this age group in mind.
Curious Tots promotes musical and social-emotional development within a carefully considered, calm environment for families to enjoy together. You will leave with lots of ideas to continue your play at home!
Finn is an Early Years Music Facilitator and songwriter with over 10 years’ experience working with babies, Early Years children and their adults. You can find out more about Finn and her work in Meet the Artist.
Curious Tots sessions start back on Tuesday 19 September, bookings can be made here: Curious Tots

For older children and the two-year-olds who have found their feet, Artist Abigail Hunt creates an artistic and exploratory environment every other Friday in Play:Make:Art. Experience the endless possibilities different materials teamed with a child’s imagination can create in an open and playful session!
A chance for families to play without a prescribed expectation, Play:Make:Art is a space where the youngest people in the room decide the direction of the activities, supporting early skills development, co-ordination, and social interaction.
Abigail has over twenty years freelance experience teaching, facilitating and managing creative projects for galleries, museums and other organisations. You can find out more about our artist in Meet the Artist plus more on the ethos behind Play:Make:Art here: Look inside Play:Make:Art
Play:Make:Art sessions start back on Friday 15 September, bookings can be made here: Play:Make:Art