Wednesday 18 August 2021
Our Summer of Artists

This summer has seen Orleans House Gallery bursting at the seams with artists and opportunities for everyone to get involved. Our galleries and grounds have been a hub for artists this summer. Dancers, choirs, painters and researchers have made a home at Orleans. Thankfully, the summer is not over yet.

A chance to shake off the end of summer will come in the form of Dance in The Park, presented by DanceWest. Over 5 days from the 8th – 12th of September a myriad of free dance classes will take place in our beautiful grounds. Fresh air and new moves is on offer for families, adults 55+, young children and adults 20-50. The schedule includes Latin, yoga, hip hop and wellbeing classes. All classes are free to attend but booking is essential. For the full programme and tickets visit Dance in the Park Richmond — DanceWest

The dance and movement opportunities don’t stop there. One of our artists in residence, Bryony Ella, will be getting close to nature in new ways. Her Wild Drawing workshop on the 29th of August will explore how embodied drawing and embodied mark making can change how we see the world around us. There will be elements of life drawing and experimenting with different materials. The sessions are for adults 16+, are free and available here Wild Drawing Walk – Orleans House Gallery
Been inspired by our summer exhibition Remember the Future? There are still opportunities to explore some of the ideas in even greater depth. Each Remember the Future artist will feature in their own ‘In Conversation’ event. The events will host special guests from the fields of science and, as well as a chance to ask your questions. For full dates visit Cultural Reforesting Archives – Orleans House Gallery
We love creating opportunities for art to become part of everyday life. While our site is full of artist, dancers and researchers come and become part of the story!