Monday 1 March 2021
Calling early career artists, curators and collectives
We are now accepting proposals for exhibitions at Orleans House Gallery.
This year’s Stables Gallery programme (October 2021 – April 2022) speaks to those establishing a career, focussing on creatives within the first 10 years of their practice. Through this programme we want to understand how we can support artists in sustaining themselves in the early stages of their work.
All propositions welcome, across visual and contemporary arts. Artists can exhibit works to sell or present a show of interactive ideas and works in progress for audience participation and feedback, the Stables Gallery can be a space for experimentation and building a conversation with audiences. Equally, artists may choose to propose a topical programme of workshops, curators may propose a collaborative, theme-based exhibition, or a wholly innovative arts-based project can be presented.
Our vision has the following values, and we are particularly interested in proposals that interrogate or support this direction:
Collaborative – we work with people in innovative and inspiring ways, we invite artists, communities and individuals to create the public programme with us and help develop the arts service.
Socially engaged – we respond to the needs and wishes of local people, widen participation in the arts and connect people from different backgrounds, enabling them to have a say over issues that affect them, and promoting opportunity particularly for underrepresented groups
Experimental – through the arts we test new ideas and approaches and share our learning to support the work of the borough. This might involve being playful, adventurous and taking risks.
Enterprising – we will always be open to new ways of working, sustain and develop productive partnerships and seek to find ways to make our work financially sustainable and develop inward investment for the arts
The application will be for a 1-2-month slot in our Stables Gallery between October 2021 – April 2022 – see the application form for specific dates.
The deadline for proposals is 9am 12 April.
Orleans House Gallery provides:
1. Free exhibition space – Stables Gallery
2. Inclusion of on-site workshop for engagement activities (depending on available dates)
3. Support from the Exhibitions & Collections team, given as required, at defined development and delivery moments throughout the process.
4. Marketing support – poster design and print, social media marketing and listings
5. Front of House and volunteer invigilation of the exhibition
All costs associated with the production development, creation, delivery and exhibiting of the art works are to be met by the exhibitors, including all necessary equipment, technician requirements and install and de-install costs.
We support artists looking to sell works through their exhibitions, and a 40% commission applies to all works sold. This money supports our work across Orleans House Gallery.
The gallery will extensively publicise the exhibition and amplify any marketing from the exhibitor via public displays, events listings, social media and on the website.
Please fill out the proposal form by clicking the button below, downloadable from the Orleans House Gallery website.
If you have any queries, please email Arts Officer (Exhibitions and Collections), Chris Burton –
Examples of previous exhibitions:
Organised by two graduates of the V&A/RCA Course in History of Design, this exhibition displays the range of experimentation and ambition that can be seen in London’s design scene. Projects include bold sustainable design.

BEEP BEEP! Trains, Planes & Automobiles 2015

The Overview Effect 2019
ABBY+ALICE create environments that people can be in, that tell stories and rely on audience participation. Throughout June they invited visitors to take part in the ‘Laboratory’ through a series of public ‘Playtests’. The results culminated in a final series of immersive, gamified multi-sensory installations.