Sunday 13 December 2020
Thames Luminaries Virtual Lecture Series returns
Following the success of this year’s Twickenham Luminaries talks, we will be returning with a month of virtual talks from nine organisations based along the Thames.
The Thames brought commerce and wealth to South West London, attracting royalty, aristocrats, artists, writers and wealthy property owners. The legacy of these luminaries is an area exceptionally rich in heritage buildings, gardens and landscapes.
This series of nine free virtual talks, over three weeks beginning on Wednesday 27 January, will explore and offer insight about a luminary, their landscape, garden and property.

The gardens and grounds of Orleans House were transformed by each occupant. The gardens have been ever changing since the 18th Century and this talk will unearth notable landscaping, grottos and ice houses.
This talk will be given by Minna Anderson, a London Blue Badge Tourist Guide and Orleans House Gallery volunteer. To watch Minna’s last talk for the Twickenham Luminaries series on Nellie Ionides click the video below.
Admission to this talk is free but but we encourage you to make a £5 donation for each talk, if you are able, which will be divided equally between the nine participating organisations.
The talk will start at 7pm and last for approximately 20 minutes with time being allowed for questions and answers at the end. The event will end at or before 8pm. It will be delivered using Zoom so you will need a computer or tablet with the Zoom program/app on it.
For information on all of the talks and to book tickets please visit