Friday 12 June 2020
See Saw @ Home – Pattern
Join us on Friday for activities for under 5s to do together with a grown up. We will be exploring line, colour, shape, pattern, texture, design and composition, mass and volume and balance in fun and easy ways for little ones.
This week is all about pattern.
All you have to do is scroll through the page to find the artwork from the Borough Art Collection that has inspired us today. Then carry on scrolling to find different activities which encourage you to See, Imagine, Create and Feel.

This week we will be exploring Pattern.
This is a print by William Hogarth. It’s called Characters and Caricaturas made in 1743.
Can you see all the heads? There are lots of different heads that the artist has put together to make a pattern. When you have lots of people together in one place we call it a crowd.
See – Spot the hats
There are some blue and red spotty hats in the picture.
Look very carefully at this copy of Hogarth’s print – how many spotty hats can you see?
You can download the picture so you can zoom in and out to find them.

Imagine – Pattern Heads
Watch this video to see faces in everyday objects. You can use googly eyes or make you own eyes to add faces to objects around your home too.
Create – Patterns
Watch this video and then make your own patterns. Below the video is an accessible walkthrough of the activity if you prefer.
Imagine – Patterns Crowds
Watch the video and look out for the different faces.
Create – Pattern Heads
Watch the video to find out how to make your own pattern head image like Hogarth. You will need:
- Paint
- Paintbrush
- Paper
- Pens
Below the video is an accessible walkthrough of the activity if you prefer.
Feel – Feeling Heads Audio Activity
Listen to the video and have a feel of your head. What does it feel like?
Don’t forget to share what you are doing #SeeSawAtHome #OrleansHouseGallery
Check out another See Saw @ Home activity here: