Friday 17 April 2020
Sunday Afternoon Art – Doodle with Poodle
It’s Sunday afternoon, and time to get creative again! Below is the second of our Sunday Afternoon Art digital activities released on our website every weekend.
This activity is suitable for all ages!
You will need:
- Paper
- Pens/pencils/crayons/felt tips
Show us your creations using #orleanshousegallery

Orleans House was built in 1710 and it was enjoyed as a home for some important people, such as Louis Phillippe who went on to become King of France.
By the early 1900s the house had fallen into disrepair, however, and the main part of the house was demolished by gravel merchants. Do you know what gravel is?
Luckily, Nellie Ionides bought the rest of the site to save it from the same fate. When she passed away, she gave the site and her art collection to the Borough of Twickenham and Orleans House Gallery was born.
Nellie is a hero at Orleans House Gallery. As well as art, Nellie loved poodles. She is seen here with Cliquot. (Her poodles were named after Champagne houses!)
Either download our worksheet below, or work on your own paper to sketch your poodle creation.
Show us your creations using #orleanshousegallery
Don’t forget to name your poodle!