Octagon 300 After Hours

22 October 2020
5.30–6.30, 6.45–7.45, 8–9
Orleans House Gallery
Orleans Road
Join us for a socially distanced, after-hours visit to our new exhibition Octagon 300 on Thursday 22 October 2020. This event is now sold out. Let us know if you have booked and are no longer able to attend. We have updated the safety measures for the evening in line with Government restrictions and emailed attendees.
There are five timed slots available: 5.30-6.15pm, 6.15-7pm, 7-7.45pm, 7.45-8.30pm or 8.30-9.15pm. Tickets include: a visit to the exhibition, entertainment from historical costumed characters, plus music from DJ Thaïs.
Relax and celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Octagon Room in style. Tickets are free, but must be booked in advance.
For your additional safety we have made the following changes to your visit:
- We have limited visitors to 18 per time slot, who will visit the exhibition and other sites in groups of 6.
- We are asking those who are not in the same household to socially distance from other participants at all times.
- As per Government restrictions, face coverings are now compulsory for adults and children over 11 years of age in enclosed spaces.
- In certain areas of Orleans House Gallery, a one-way system is in operation. Please follow the directional signage.
- We ask people not to gather in groups larger than 6 people.
- We have increased the cleaning of our public spaces to keep visitors safe.
- Capacities in certain areas will be limited so we may ask you to wait before entering some spaces, such as the Study Gallery and the main exhibition (you will receive a time slot to visit the exhibition when you arrive).
- Hand sanitiser locations will be available throughout our buildings.
- To support the NHS Track and Trace system, we will be taking visitors’ names and contact numbers on arrival. Details will be stored separately and securely and disposed of after 21 days. Within the 21 days, we will only share the details with the NHS Tracing team, and only if they request it.