Future Worlds: Attunements

Attunements is a group exhibition of 15 students from the MA programme in Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art. All works were produced as part of a brief titled Future Worlds: Attunements, delivered in September 2023 by artist Nestor Pestana.
Orleans House Gallery is working with the Royal College of Art as part of our Cultural Reforesting programme. The programme asks artists to respond to the big question – how can we renew our relationship with nature?
The students introduce their exhibition below:
“Politics and Identity. Ecology and Climate. Technology and Culture. Time. These are some of our Earthling systems that we are part of, in ways so complex, that it becomes impossible for the human mind to grasp. Despite this impossibility, in Attunements we embrace these systems and their inherited complexity, we hover above them, examining, deconstructing, searching and researching. We slowly dive deep, scaling down, interpreting and gaining focus. And as we land, we situate our knowledges before scaling ahead, worldbuilding and (un)speculating.
In doing so, we recognise the human as an integral part of a lively systemic material existence. Only by acknowledging and addressing these interdependencies, will we achieve a more harmonious relationship with more-than-human entities, capable of sustaining life on Earth. We become humble and empathic. We attune.
Through moving image, physical artefacts and installations, Attunements showcases a series of creative interpretations of the different systems mentioned above. These are thought experiments, prototypes and sketches of ideas that don’t intend to put forward solutions, but rather to make us think about our present realities.”
Participating artists:
Biswajith Manimaran
Dongwon Park
Hanqin Huang
Jaein Lee
Jiwon Jang
Ranhaochu Ran
Riya Bhagat
Shengqi Luo
Srinija Ghantasala
Utkarsh Pathak
Xiao Liu
Xingyi Chen
Yishan Liu
Yuqing Liu
Zhuoyuan Mai