Cultural Reforesting – voices of the ecosystem

Visit Orleans House Gallery and download the Echoes App to enjoy a series of free conversations as you walk through the grounds.
These conversations explore the question, how do we renew our relationship with nature? Listen to artists, scientists and other researchers as they explore the topic.
This is part of the Cultural Reforesting programme. Cultural Reforesting is a series of artist-led, multi-disciplinary projects, looking at the ecological crises of our time. Scientists have marked this decade as the crucial 10 years in which to find solutions. Indeed, Richmond Council declared Climate Emergency in 2019, so what can we all do?
Download the app and listen in.
There are five walks available:
Vigil by Eden Spence. This is an artwork which explores the black poplar in the grounds.
Nestor Pestana – Empathy and world building (Remember the Future In Conversation). You can find this talk online, here: Talk with Nestor Pestana
May Abdalla and Monica Gagliano – Messages from a Post Human Earth (In Conversation). You can find this talk online here, Talk with May Abdalla and Monica Gagliano
Bryony Ella – Wild Drawing and the more-than-human world (Remember the Future In Conversation). You can find this talk online here, Talk with Bryony Ella
Ackroyd & Harvey – Germinating history (Remember the Future in conversation). You can find this talk online here, Talk with Ackroyd & Harvey
Take part by sharing your thoughts with us at #CulturalReforesting or email us
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Find information about our other Echoes Activity.
Cultural Reforesting is about:
- Environmental justice
- Biodiversity, ecology and botany
- Climate Emergency
- Indigenous knowledge and perspectives
- Local solutions
- Imagination and creativity
- Well-being
- Eco-centrism
- Education