Caroline Mac Cathmhaoil: Ticket to Turiya

6 February – 7 April 2024
10am - 5pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Stables Gallery at Orleans House Gallery
Ticket to Turiya invites you to explore possibilities of your dreaming mind. The artist Caroline Mac Cathmhaoil uses contemporary air travel as a departure point for their own personal experience of lucid dreaming.
Abandon small philosophies to journey through the in-between spaces of dream and sleep. Dreaming while awake, awake while dreaming. Become Shaman. Become Adept. Depart on a journey through the Dream Bardo. Never return as you were before.
About the artist
Caroline Mac Cathmhaoil is an Irish artist, writer and filmmaker working between Dublin, London and the less explored regions of cosmic experience. Mac Cathmhaoil can also be found working under the name Loitering Theatre. Mac Cathmhaoil’s is an esoteric art practice where video, text, mixed message, false flags, meme magic, artificial intellect, viral interference and future archaeologies of time are alchemically melded together in order to disrupt the technologies and belief systems of consensus reality. No job too small. Idiom assured. Call us.
This exhibition is supported by Culture Ireland.